French oak lumber

Ref: French oak lumber (Pou03)

We have a large permanent stock of French oak lumber. Oak beams are cleaned and treated in our workshops. Our new sanded oak beams can be used to manufacture traditional frameworks.

Nos charpentiers s’adapteront à vos demandes pour tous projets de structure avec nos bois de charpente en chêne Français.

Les poutres en chêne ont la caractéristique de présenter des irrégularités. Si vous désirez des poutres droites nous vous conseillons de vous diriger vers des fir beams.


  • Jusqu’à 5.5 m
  • From 5.5 to 6.5 m
  • From 6.5 to 7.5 m
  • From 735 to 8.5 m
  • + on Quotation

Oak lumber

The choice of oak lumber is synonymous with durability for every construction project. With its reputation for sturdiness, oak has long been the material of choice for wood frames. It offers the perfect combination of strength, aesthetics and durability.


Oak wood is renowned for its exceptional density and natural resistance to weather, insects and decay. These characteristics make it an ideal material for carpentry, offering a high level of durability. stability and sturdiness. Whether to support a roof, a terrace or an outdoor structure, oak is the solution that guarantees the longevity of your construction.


En plus de sa résistance, le chêne est apprécié pour sa beauté naturelle et son grain distinctif. Chaque pièce de bois présente des variations subtiles de couleur, de texture et de motif. Cela crée ainsi des charpentes en bois qui sont à la fois solides et uniques. Lorsqu’il est utilisé dans la construction d’une charpente traditionnelle, le chêne apporte une touche d’élégance intemporelle qui rehausse l’ensemble de l’architecture. Si vous souhaitez des poutres droites, nous vous conseillons de vous diriger vers la fir beam.

The durability of timber framing

Investing in oak framing means invest in the durability and lifespan of your building. Oak is a wood that ages very well, developing a natural patina and acquiring even more character over time. With regular maintenance, an oak frame can last for decades, even centuries. This makes it a wise choice for those looking for a long-term investment in their property.

The made in France choice

When we choose French oak for your traditional frame, we give priority to quality and ecology.. French oak forests are responsibly managed, guaranteeing the preservation of these precious ecosystems for future generations. What's more, oak is a renewable material, making it an environmentally-friendly choice for any construction project. Get in touch with us as of now to discuss your traditional framework with our French lumber.